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The modern network for 

the most trusted female minds in real estate

We believe it’s time for a new path forward.

One that is action-oriented and immediately impactful.
One that provides more sophisticated support to seasoned female RE leaders.
One that increases access to a more diverse set of coaching voices at the national level. 

This is Where We Begin

Women Leadership Forums

At the top, it’s lonely. You’re tackling bigger questions and confidentiality is a must. We are bringing the sophistication of proven founder & executive peer group programs like YPO & EO to women agents & brokerage leaders.


Launching & Supporting More Women Coaches

 There are not enough women real estate coaches at the national level and we are going to change that. You don’t have to quit your successful real estate business to get started in coaching and you certainly don’t have to forge that path alone.

Meet Our Co-Founders

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Danielle Wilkie

I am a former Compass Executive Officer and 25 year technology startup veteran, who is passionate about not just entrepreneurs, but specifically women entrepreneurs.


During my time in RE, I have met amazing female real estate leaders from across the country. And in those conversations, I noticed two serious gaps.

>> First, there were plenty of masterminds, networking & referral groups but few options for women at the highest levels focused on leadership & personal development.

>> Secondly, when looking at the list of nationally-recognized coaches, where were all the women?

In an industry where 66% of agents are women, I knew we could do better. We didn't need another industry committee. We needed action. So we started The Helm.

Heather Frick

I am a seasoned tech CMO, a mom, and an Executive Coach with a thriving practice. I also know a thing or two about real estate - I'm married to a RE/MAX agent in the top 1% nationally. 


Much like you, as I climbed to the top of my field I felt less and less connected to others - and to myself. In search of ‘what’s next’, I launched into a journey of self discovery that ultimately led to launching my own coaching practice.  


The work didn’t come easy. In my journey to build a life fueled by choice and presence, I have relied on a strong and deeply trusted network of female peers. 


For me, one of those deep connections is Danielle.  We met at a startup over ten years ago and have stayed close since - relying on each other as advisors, friends, and learning partners.  

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Together, we are launching The Helm to change the status quo.

We know that if we aggregate the best female minds in real estate, great things will happen. We know that together, we are so much more powerful.

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Thanks for connecting! You will hear from us soon.

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